Project Blog

Revolutionizing Real Estate Through A New Realty Platform

The real estate industry has undergone many changes in the last decade due to technological advancements. Real estate platforms have simplified the entire process of buying and selling properties, making it easier for real estate agents and clients alike. This blog post will focus on the new realty platform that has been introduced in the market and its potential impact on the industry.

Investments in resort real estate: choice and prospects

Today, investments in resort real estate are highly popular. The main reasons for this interest are the opportunity to receive income from renting out and using housing for their own vacation. Many people prefer to buy real estate abroad to enjoy the local color and at the same time have the opportunity to obtain citizenship. However, many people also buy housing in their country of residence.

Rent a house for summer near Kiev: options, prices, location

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a paradoxical situation on the real estate market in Kyiv. The capital's apartments, which used to be in great demand, now remain empty, and their prices have fallen by 12% - 45%. At the same time, countryside real estate has become a real hit of sales.

How to choose a real estate agency?

There comes a time in almost everyone's life when they are looking for a place to live or various areas for business and personal use. The first question that arises is whether to use the services of a real estate agency, or to try to look for real estate on your own.

Attractive "square": how much real estate investments bring in

Investment issues are always relevant for many people, and today we will discuss one of the most popular instruments - investing in real estate. In Ukraine, this type of capital multiplication has long enjoyed stable popularity, but most often associated with investments in residential real estate, although there are many more options.

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